Your support is a profound expression of commitment to our community’s growth and well-being. Tzedakah, or charitable giving, has always been a cornerstone of Jewish life, reflecting our shared responsibility for each other. By supporting our sponsorship opportunities, you help uphold values of care, education, and community solidarity.
With your contribution, Neshama can remain a vibrant place where everyone finds support, education, and a sense of belonging. Your generosity not only impacts individual lives but also strengthens the fabric of our compassionate community. We encourage those who can continue this tradition of tzedakah, ensuring that our communal foundations remain strong and our future bright.

Our Monthly Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Throughout the year, we have monthly musical Kabbalat Shabbat Services, offering our community a physical and spiritual place to connect, sing and find meaning in our everyday lives as we welcome the weekly Shabbat. Welcoming the community to shmooze over some Kiddish food delights and a drink, it’s certainly a beautiful way to start Shabbat.

Pastoral Care Services
Pastoral Care Services play a crucial role in offering support and care to those in need within our community, from helping families facing financial hardships to visiting our Elders in our community to supporting families navigating the end-of-life and grieving processes. This kind of sponsorship allows us to extend a helping hand where it is most needed, reinforcing the bonds that hold our community together.

Sponsoring the creation of a Neshama songbook is a beautiful and impactful project that could serve as an invaluable resource for our Neshama community and beyond. By combining traditional prayer melodies, important lifecycle events, and songs for our High Holidays, we will create a rich, versatile resource that will be treasured by generations to come.
Content of the Songbook:
- Kabbalat Shabbat: Include popular songs and prayers like Lecha Dodi, Yedid Nefesh, and other common tunes sung during Kabbalat Shabbat services.
- Bar and Bat Mitzvah Services: Include Torah blessings, Haftorah, and traditional songs like Siman Tov u’Mazel Tov and Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu.
- Mourning Prayers: Include prayers like Kaddish, El Maleh Rachamim, and other prayers said during mourning, including variations sung at funerals and shiva.
- Holiday Songs: Include songs for various Jewish holidays such as Avinu Malkeinu for Yom Kippur, Ma’oz Tzur for Hanukkah, etc